Occlusal splint therapy may be defined as “the art and science of establishing neuromuscular harmony in the masticatory system by creating a mechanical disadvantage for parafunctional forces with removable appliances. A properly constructed splint facilitates a mutually protected occlusion.
The types of splints currently employed in occlusal splint therapy include permissive, nonpermissive, hydrostatic, and soft rubber (silicone) splints.
The permissive splints allow the teeth to glide unimpeded over the biting or contact surface. These include bite planes (anterior deprogrammer, Lucia jig, anterior jig) and stabilization splints (Tanner, centric relation, flat plane, and superior repositioning).
The nonpermissive splints have ramps or indentations that limit the movement of the mandible. Examples include an anterior repositioning appliance (ARA) and a mandibular orthotic repositioning appliance (MORA).
Soft rubber splints and hydrostatic splints function by separating the teeth. Soft rubber splints, however, do not provide the characteristics necessary for successful splint therapy. These splints can exacerbate bruxism, possibly due to premature posterior contacts related to the fact that these splints cannot be balanced.
Splints provide diagnostic information, allow muscles in spasm to relax, protect the teeth and jaws from the adverse effects of bruxism, and normalize periodontal ligament proprioception. These devices can also allow repositioning of the condyles and jaws into centric relation (CR).
The unique form offers a variety of possibilities to individualize the splint.
- Retention can be achieved with the central incisors, the lateral incisors, or all four
- Force distribution to the canines if desired, for example with Class II Division 1 occlusion
- Assures axial loading of mandibular teeth with minimal adjustment
If you do not need the palatal wings, simply remove them.
A dedicated deprogrammer for the lower arch.
- Predictable avoidance of mandibular canine contact, even with extreme lateral movements.
- Helps avoid invasive adjustment of irregular mandibular incisal edges.
- Frequently simpler than a maxillary splint to fit and adjust.
The mandibular FOS also can serve as a classic maxillary deprogrammer. Simply turn it upside down and place it in the maxillary arch.
The indications for a simple midline point stop splint:<
- Treatment of acute TMJ pain with limited opening/li>
- Diagnostic placement to achieve a physiologic registration
laboratory service
- Are teeth rotated or tipped and clinical relining unpredictable?
- Is minimising your clinical chair time your first priority?
- Do you prefer to have the support of an expert laboratory?
Our FOS service laboratory could be the answer
Our experts will analyse the models and help you design the appropriate splint.
The laboratory box is pre-addressed and the postal fees are paid. Simply make silcone impressions, complete the order form and post.
You will receive the finished splint within a week.